The real cure for our environmental problems is to understand that our job is to salvage Mother Nature. We are facing a formidable enemy in this field. It is the hunters... and to convince them to leave their guns on the wall is going to be very difficult
"The major adventure is to claim your authentic, true being, which is not culturally given to you. The culture will not explain to you how to be a real human being. It will tell you how to be banker, politician, Indian chief, masseuses, actress, whatever, but it will not give you true being."
I hope to convince you through these pages, to undertake a regular meditative discipline, a regimen whose scope you may choose at will and tailor to your own personality and aspirations. For it is meditation, in the end, that is the key that opens the door to the forgotten side of ourselves.
I fear we have become unbearably arrogant. Confident as gods in the technological progress we have made,
we scoff at the men and women who were our ancestors.
Oh, we admire the Pyramids, the Parthenon, the Great Wall of China.
We marvel at the cave drawings and sculptured bison in the Paleolithic caves of France. We delight in achievements and say, “I wonder how they managed that with the technology of their time.”
In essence, we are patronizing them; we consider ourselves superior.
We deny the full spectrum of what they themselves believed in.
We do not seek to understand them, these people who were our forefathers;
we do not seek to discover why they made the choices they did,
what they had seen, what knowledge they possessed that was different from our own.
It is from our own standpoint that we try to reach them, ever judgmental. We deny their world, and try to refashion and study it based on our own.
What nonsense!
—knowledge accumulated over millennia becomes trivialized and people wind up living in fairy tales.
Una gota de agua que verdaderamente ama al mar puede desplegarse y fluir, activarse y tomar curso hacia su fuente, su esencia crece y otras gotas se unen para que nazca un rio que al final llega al mar.
Vägen är svår om man går utan att veta hur man sitter. Tao sager 'walk or sit as you may, whatever you do don't wobble' Det är som att säga gå när du går, sitt när du sitter. Problemet är att få vet hur man sitter effektivt. Många fokuserar endast på att förfina sin 'gå' färdigheter. Hur långt kommer man på vägen? Så långt man orkar. Man går tills man inte står ut med smärtorna. Gång på gång. Och vägen utgör en cirkel, leder ingenstans. Vandrandet blir ett lidande. Men... Om du kan meditation, då vet du hur man på vägen sätter sig för att hämta ny energi. Sitta är extremt effektivt för att gå själva vägen, särskilt när man inser att med energi(kärlek) är vägen det vackraste vackra. Den som känner att han/hon inte har tid att meditera har det svårt.
Knowing your own soul (non-self/anatta), is knowing all souls. Which in turn puts your own made "self" into perspective and that extends to all other invented personalities you may find out there.
How rational is your rationality? To which extent do you question what you swallow?
I do not claim to know what happens when we die. And statements like this life 'is all and everything that we will ever have' seem like religious dogma that limits scientific progress.