
har du blivit pusselbiten?

vast non-emptiness

Kategori: Anatta

You are 0,000000000001%

The rest is...    (space)

not this, not that

Kategori: Anatta

We must begin by being in the frame of mind which can understand it.
you can not force yourself into this frame of mind, anymore than you can smooth disturbed water with your hand.

But let's say that our starting point is that we forget what we know, or think we know.
That we suspend judgment about practically everything, returning to what we were when we were babies, when we had not yet learned the names or language and we have no means of making an intellectual or verbal commentary on what is going on. Can you consider that as your state?

Feel what is. Without calling it anything at all.

Game Over!

Kategori: Anatta

There is no self.

Release your attachments to who you think you are,
slowly come back to your non-self (Anatta) (Atman)

Det är konstigt

Kategori: Anatta

T.ex ordet normalt

What is "God"?

Kategori: Anatta

Anything that a man might say about God is incorrect, even calling Him by the name of God.

God is "superessential nothingness" ... "beyond all words and beyond all understanding". The best a man can do is remain silent, because anytime he prates on about God, he is committing the sin of lying.

- Meister Eckhart


Kategori: Anatta

The atoms in the human body shaping a microcosm of the universe; and the atoms of the universe forming a macrocosm of the body.

Mystical experience

Kategori: Anatta

1. Ineffability, Mystical states are more like states of feeling than intellect, subtle shaded with fine nuances that are difficult to convey in their import and grandeur to another. Consequently, much mystical literature is filled with paradoxes and symbolism.

2. Noetic quality, Mystical experiences are states of knowledge, insight, awareness, revelation, and illumination beyond the grasp of the intellect. There is awareness of unity with the Absolute, of immortality of the soul, of great truths. Time and space are transcended.

3. Transiency, mystical experiences are fleeting in linear time, though they seem to be eternal. Most last a few seconds, some perhaps up to ten minutes. It is rare to sustain a mystical state for more than a half-hour, or perhaps one to two hours at best. Eastern adepts are able to sustain prolonged periods of samadhi, a mystical state of one-pointed concentration; and some reportedly are able to sustain the highest states of nirvana (satori in Zen) and even the rarely attained nirodh.

Many things can produce mystical experiences such as dreams, words, phrases, music, art, sounds, smells, daydreaming, the play of light upon land and sea, nature, or a near-death experience (NDE).

Other techniques include fasting, chanting, dancing, breath control, sexual rites, yoga, and meditation.

Spirit is greater than body

Kategori: Anatta

Heart filled with love is like a phoenix that no cage can imprison

Ingenting och någonting

Kategori: Anatta

snurra upp, skruva ner
gå runt tills du vill sitta

lilla logiken
gör dig besviken

barnet gör det bra
allt som det ska va

och lekarna vi glömde
världen som bara drömde

alla tvungna att vandra
ensamt bland alla andra

resan som tog oss
en meter ifrån här

min mitt och ett hem
alltid där jag är

fortsätter fråga
svara nu inte när

fram böljer trådar
slingras i en rygg
axlar i balans
så blir man trygg

fönster till fri vilja
öppna för att se

ingenting och någonting
soppan som vi är med

se som den är ädlig
smaken blir till guld
du är inte värdslig
i solen blir du full

Lev någonting nu,
kärlek gör dig värdig,
ingenting finns även när du är färdig.


Kategori: Subjektivt

a complex no brainer.


Kategori: Anatta

If by eternity is understood not eternal temporal duration, but timelessness, then he lives eternally who lives in the present.

Tid flyter

Kategori: Subjektivt

Tick, tack inte riktigt, nej tack.

nyan nyan nyan

Kategori: Anatta

Betyder tankeflöde på kinesiska.

Nyan betyder tanke.

nyan nyan nyan.

Space is space is space

Kategori: Anatta

1+1 = 2 medan ett med ett är ett.

dark soil sprouts a green tree

Kategori: Subjektivt

It's okay,
It's a way

Believe the lie
Deny the why

Essentially a part of truth
Not the leaves, the branches or the root

älska ingenting

Kategori: Anatta

An awake nothing
is always quite something

- Douglas Harding