
har du blivit pusselbiten?

Holy shit

Kategori: Anatta

If you are looking for spiritual fruits,
you best avoid the religious nuts.

Keeping people off balance

Kategori: Anatta

These days very few people search for the Truth. A lot of people study simply in order to find knowledge necessary to make a living, have sex or raise families and look after themselves, that's all. To them, being smart is more important than being wise!

Heavy on the left side, and you're not much right.

See the big picture with your right brain,
Be in the picture with the left.

Embrace & let go

Kategori: Anatta

All these thoughts, ideas and imaginings of mine are simply thought proliferation and nothing more.
None of it is certain at all.

Trust your luck

Kategori: Anatta

Whether you want to do this or that, it doesn't matter. If you keep thinking, never mind.


Kategori: Anatta

We can expect suffering. We're going against the stream, and we can expect to feel the pressure of the defilements just in the same way as when we go against the wind we can feel the force against our bodies. We are also getting somewhere.

Caught in a wheel

Kategori: Anatta

Work, buy shit, use, throw, repeat, endlessly.

Getting heartily sick and tired of the way your life is isn't a neurosis; it's an insight. If you embrace it, then it's the boot that will kick your ass into doing something new and better.

It's always allright

Kategori: Subjektivt

If it isn't good, let it die. If it doesn't die, make it good.

Aldous Huxley

Kategori: Anatta

It is a bit embarrassing to have been concerned with the human problem all one's life and find at the end that one has no more to offer by way of advice than 'Try to be a little kinder.'

Knowledgeless Understanding

Kategori: Anatta

Words are good servants but bad masters.

Palabras, Pensamientos.

Kategori: Subjektivt

Siempre de doble-fila. En cierto aspecto, nunca han podido contribuir a "nada".
El "nada" siempre ha sido ausente en la presencia de las palabras.

Inte som Di leva

Kategori: Subjektivt

Skapa kärlek till allt.

Die another day

Kategori: Subjektivt

Alive today.
Being here and simply loving the fact that we are here,
No matter how improbable, we are here.
Infinitely indefinietly.


Kategori: Subjektivt

Just kidding, let it go.

Private jibberish

Kategori: Subjektivt

I get to enjoy being me, only when i'm receptive and compassionate(understanding) to the present.
I am only receptive to the present when i am aware.
I am aware when i think something is important or when i am afraid.

My question was how can i be receptive, enjoying myself in all other situations, when life is at it's most mundane?
The answer was that whenever i transformed whatever present into my teacher, i became aware, receptive, me again.

Now i was aware but the fact remained that i didn't enjoy myself and neither had i learnt anything at all without -understanding- towards the teachers.

No real need for fast speed
don't have to limit myself and stick to what i think i know best
everything, including the worst, can always be.. the best.

Closed eyes

Kategori: Subjektivt

.. dancing always came from within.
.. music has always played inside, all the while.

Close your eyes and just be, it's the way to set yourself free.

Notes on What's what

Kategori: Notes on What's what


Knowing who in fact we are results in Good Being, and Good Being results in the most appropriate kind of good doing.
But good doing does not of itself result in Good Being. We can be virtuous without knowing who in fact we are.
The beings who are merely good are not Good Beings; they are just pillars of society.

Most pillars are their own Samsons. They hold up, but sooner or later the also pull down. There has never been a society in which most good doing was the product of Good Being. This does not mean that there will never be such a society or that we are fools for trying to call it into existence.

Breathing, being.

Kategori: Subjektivt

Everything everywhere, all at the same time.
Originally, involuntarily, present in the eternal mind.

Show me the ending of sorrow.

Kategori: Subjektivt

Days of emptiness.
Sky, sun, sand.
A whole moon.
I am back in the desert,
to be no longer.

Progress comes with parenting

Kategori: Anatta

You just tell them what they're supposed to do and leave it at that.
Behave well, you say. But how? You never tell them. All you do is give them pep talks and punishments. Pure idiocy.

If your children take the idiocy seriously, they grow up to be miserable sinners. And if they don't take it seriously, they grow up to be miserable cynics.

Which is better?

Kategori: Anatta

To be born stupid into an intelligent society?
Or intelligent into an insane one?


Kategori: Anatta

Just men and women and their children trying to make the best of the here and now, instead of living somewhere else, in some other time, some other home-made imaginary universe.

But we haven't really got there yet, we're compelled to live this way because the present is so frustrating. And it's frustrating because we've never been taught how to bridge the gap between theory and practice, between our New Year's resolutions and our actual behaviour.

The highest possible ideals, and no methods for realizing them.

Let's be reasonably irrational

Kategori: Subjektivt

Var rationell i din orationella omgivning och lycka till för det är det enda som spelar någon roll.

Give me faith to get rid of belief

Kategori: Anatta

Belief is the systematic taking of unanalysed words much too seriously. Paul's words, Mohammed's words, Marx's words, Hitler's words - poeple take them seriously, and what happens?

What happens is the senseless ambivalence of history - sadism versus duty, or (incomparably worse) sadism as duty; devoting counterbalanced by organized paranoia; sisters of charity selflessly tending the victims of their own church's inquisitors and crusaders.

Faith, on the contrary, can never be taken too seriously. For Faith is the empirically justified confidence in our capacity to know who in fact we are, to forget the belief-intoxicated Manichee in Good Being. Give us this day our daily Faith, but deliver us, dear God, from Belief.

Why didn't they all go mad?

Kategori: Anatta

We're talking about christianity in the west, excluding the last 100 years.

It was knonwn for certain that ninety-nine point nine per cent of the human race were condemned to everlasting fire. Why? Either because they'd never heard of Jesus; or, if they had, because they couldn't believe sufficiently strongly that Jesus had delivered them from the fire. And the proof that they didn't believe sufficiently strongly was the empirical, observable fact that their souls were not at peace. Perfect faith is defined as something that produces perfect peace of mind. But perfect peace of mind is something that practically nobody possesses. Therefore practically everybody is predestined to eternal punishment.

Augustine was beatean by his schoolmaster and laughed at by his parents when he complained. Luther was systematically flogged not only by his teacher and father, but even by his loving mother. The world has been paying for the scars on his buttocks ever since.

Do to your children's bottoms what was done to yours, what your Heavenly Father has been doing to the collective bottom of humanity ever since the Fall: whip, whip, whip!

Abolish The Symbol

Kategori: Anatta

Why the symbol?
Because he liked his knowledge warm from the cow.
Not skimmed or pasteurized or homogenized. Above all not canned in any kind of container.

The sublimest of ideas is totally diferent from the cosmic mystery it's supposed to stand for. And the beautiful sentiments connected with the sublime idea - what do they have in common with the direct experience of the mystery?
Nothing whatsoever.

His ideal was pure experimental science at one end of the spectrum, and pure experimental mysticism at the other.
Direct experience on every level and then clear, rational statements about those experiences.


Kategori: Subjektivt

I've been trying to tell myself something..

Jigsaw falling into place

Kategori: Subjektivt

There is nothing to explain.

Biten av ett pussel.

Kategori: Subjektivt

Allt om inget, men av än högre prioritet, ingenting om allt.
Vändbak eller bli bakvänd.