
har du blivit pusselbiten?

Did you know?

Kategori: Anatta

Everything is true in some way, untrue in another way, and in yet another way simultaneously true and untrue and neither true nor untrue.

Rose du Sable

Kategori: Subjektivt

It's hard to convey my experience of this place in words, quite in the same way which it is difficult to portray the inputs that we individually get from the desert. I consider it's nature as abstract as a glowing molten liquid under the sun. It irradiates warmth like a golden gem which will not solidify into something conceptualized and It is not only a place in the sun surrounded by sand. It is in every sense that i find a very honest place. I found nomads, not touts. I lost my worries, not my money. I am sure this place was founded on Karla and Brahim's love for the desert and as a true manifestation of love, i actually find it beyond words. But as i've already committed myself to this task i will do my best to conclude with three words: magical, mystical et magnifique!

Caravane Rose du Sable

Do what you want with it.

Kategori: Anatta

De som bär ett tungt öde på ryggen sjunker oftast ner i marken.
Men inget öde är bättre eller sämre så länge det bärs i handen.

why sit and chill

Kategori: Subjektivt

when you could choke on an indian generic pill

- Sebastian Sundbäck

José Gonzalez - Hints

Kategori: Anatta


While the crowd is waiting for the final kiss
the one which allows them to sleep well
We'll walk along our own path
the one which will lead us to our own bliss

But we need hints
before we get tired
But we need hints
before we get tired
We need hints
before we lose pace
Now we need a hint
to know we're on the right track

Pain : inevitable

Kategori: Walking in the desert

Suffering : optional

Stop wondering

Kategori: Walking in the desert

Start wandering

Toxic creativity

Kategori: Walking in the desert

A spirit engaged in insane activities needs a healthy strong body

José Gonzalez

Kategori: Anatta

This retained emptiness is not what it seems, not what it seems.
Uncover the mystery, tell every one what you see. It's not what it seams, vulgar when brought to light.

Silence inside you waiting to step forward, disturbing sirens grow stronger,
We'll cast some light and you'll be allright for now.


Kategori: Anatta

Double-edged sword.
An adaptable person is much more prone to conditioning from the enviroment. Rationality in such state will not be reasonable enough, it is inevitably biased. Therefor active cleaning, a purification is much needed to achieve a clear mind. I'm setting off towards the desert on friday to spend two weeks in sahara.

Bienvenido viajero

Kategori: Anatta

Quedate para vivir con nosotros.