
har du blivit pusselbiten?


Kategori: Subjektivt

In order to promote the growth of the human person, involving both the plant and the seed, one incorporates the very principle of regeneration, which is consciousness. And this can only be done if the consciousness which one instills is freed from its earlier limitations and identifications. This is the secret of alchemy: to isolate mercury from the aggregate of the material which one is working with, the prima materia, then prevent it from volatilizing itself into thin air, fixing it by means of sulphur, in order to produce the philosopher's stone which is the catalyst of gold. Similarly, consciousness, symbolized by mercury, must be freed from its identifications when it identifies itself with its cosmic dimensions. There would be a loss of a sense of personality, in fact a disintegration not only of the plant but of the seed, unless consciousness were projected into the seed, or through the seed, and it is this new amalgamate which will act as a catalyst to transform the personality into the model of perfection, symbolized by gold.

Kom, vi flyger

Kategori: Self


Into the wild

Kategori: Anatta

'The japanese Kûkai is not known for his talents, and his words and actions are nothing to speak of. Sleeping in the snow with only his arms to pillow his head, and eating wild plants on the cloudy peaks - that is all he knows.'

The imperial councillor Yoshimine writes : "The master has entered the cold and uncomfortable mountain of Köya, and has perhaps forgotten to return to the capital. What pleasure can there be in the mountains?' In reply, Kûkai wrote:

A cupful of mountain river water in the morning sustains my life. The evening mist nurtures my mind. The dawn moon and the morning wind wash away all impurities.'"

OKEJ? Okej :) <3

Kategori: Anatta


Ögon ser
Öron hör
Munnen har svårt att förklara

Lätt att tänka massa överflödiga tankar.
Trådar spinner och drar runt kärnan
väver och förgrenas, mönster repeteras

Vill koncentrera rötternas saft
Extrahera och låta kondensera

Packa ihop moln
kapsla in, komprimera
I sånna bollar som i filmen twister,

Tänk om jag kan få solen att skina
Om orden nån gång hade slutat blåsa

Låta träden stillna, grenarna vila
Låta fåglarna landa från himlen

Känslan av att komma tillbaka än en dag
ställa sig på spetsen, sträcka sig ut

Krypa ihop,
Veckla ut

good knews

Kategori: Anatta

There is freedom to be had, so easily, and yes, just like that!
In an instant, you can make the choice to release the chains you have put about yourself. What’s stopping you? There is a part of you that likes this game…you know these chains and the ties that bind.
You find comfort in them.
You fear your power and what it would like to be free.
You're imprisoned in a cell molded by your own handcraft.
It is you who hold and keep these chains and it is you who keep yourselves locked in,
within the confines of illusion and distortion.
You have the power to unlock these ties that bind, for it is you,
who put them there or allow for such.
Release the ties that bind