
har du blivit pusselbiten?

Private jibberish

Kategori: Subjektivt

I get to enjoy being me, only when i'm receptive and compassionate(understanding) to the present.
I am only receptive to the present when i am aware.
I am aware when i think something is important or when i am afraid.

My question was how can i be receptive, enjoying myself in all other situations, when life is at it's most mundane?
The answer was that whenever i transformed whatever present into my teacher, i became aware, receptive, me again.

Now i was aware but the fact remained that i didn't enjoy myself and neither had i learnt anything at all without -understanding- towards the teachers.

No real need for fast speed
don't have to limit myself and stick to what i think i know best
everything, including the worst, can always be.. the best.


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